Awesome agency! The unparalleled support and oversight with licensing, credentialing and CARF accreditation for Community Care Home Inc. was nothing short of exemplary. I have worked with them for nearly 20 years.

I appreciate all this company has done for Atlanta Cares. We are blessed to have Mr. Flagg and his firm doing the work they do.

I cannot express enough how grateful I am that your team helped our homecare agency through private homecare licensing and now with SOURCE & CCSP. You turned a complex process into one that was stress free.

This consulting firm has been amazing over the years. My late husband, Dr. Timur Baruti, and I were not only assisted with starting, but also with managing our specialty agency. It operates under the home and remains compliant with community-based waiver standards. We have realized an abundance of success since 2009.

Thank you for helping me start Primrose Communities. It had always been my dream to care for the developmentally disabled and with your guidance that dream has materialized. Your support will always be remembered and appreciated.

What outstanding service received. Our group home is now licensed through the Alabama Department of Mental Health and we can accept DD individuals in our home. Thank you, Mr. Flagg and your company, for getting us through.

Great company. Awesome service. They handle their business and got our private homecare agency licensed properly and promptly. We are now working on SOURCE & CCSP.